
March 24, 2015

Status 3-24-15*

Yesterday I did many productive, good things. Then I binged like I haven’t binged since I began this show. In fact, I haven’t binged like I did yesterday in YEARS. This was a whopper, tornado of a robot alien invasion that took my breath away.


I don’t feel good today. Not Physically nor emotionally. I was going to hike and record, but not up to it. May go down to the park and wander there later, and ponder on the podcast rock. And if I DO record, I would LOVE to have some of your voice to put in there. Hello, Foolish Fun, It Will Get better Laurie, or….

Hey, Cheryl called the bravery hotline with HER take on Stéfanie’s vanity question from day 105. If YOU want to be part of that discussion for show 106 too, check out the audio page and send me your thoughts. OR go post your comments about “Is it vanity to want to look good as a weigh loss motivator?” on Day 105.


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. 🙂

Suspending Body Balance

Long time BCs have heard me post and talk about my body balance number. It was a REALLY useful tool, but I’m suspending it for awhile as I think I have learned from it and want to move on to just mentally processing how I feel.

Feel free to check out earlier status reports to see what I counted and how it worked.

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter

11 thoughts on “3-24-15

  1. Sue

    So sorry to hear about your frustrating day yesterday and the fall-out that continues today. I wanted to feed back to you the sort of comments that Laurie of a few episodes ago would say, but you “know” all that. Instead, I give you massive cyber hugs and say we are for you, we admire you and think you are incredibly brave.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Thanks Sue, I guess it proves that knowing in your head is different from applying that knowledge in life. The parts that are handy from having given those ‘get over your binge tips’ on Day 103 is that I once I came up for air, I knew what to actually do. 1. Be kind to myself. 2. Reach out to others, which I did here and on Dr. Nina’s group on FB and 3. Start to figure out the triggers. I’m not at all happy with this massive set back, but it is not the end of the world. It will most likely teach me a lot. I’ve been hitting close to bedrock in therapy, so perhaps my subconscious is kicking back. Anyway, thanks Sue for the support. It helps more than you could know. xoxoxoxoxox

  2. Stéfanie

    Hi Laurie, by what you have posted/recorded lately, you have been very emotionally challenged! From Washington to counting calories to working your way through voice acting to celebrating your Bday, and even making new and profound emotional discoveries about yourself, that is quite some things that you have tackled. I hope you are taking good care of yourself and being gentle to your body today.

    I heard this song on the radio today. It’s not quite my kind of tune but, when I heard the chorus, it really really really really really reminded me of you and your closing catch-phrase 😉

    Love xxx


    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Mon Amie, I’m just now getting around to answering the blog since I wrote, recorded, edited AND published day 106 today. Not my favorite episode I’m afraid, but useful for sorting out some of the triggers you describe. Thanks too for the song, that REALLY REALLY REALLY made me laugh! xoxoxoxox

  3. Cassie

    The closer I’ve come to me…my ultimate self-accepting, self actualized version of me the further I get from food peace. WTF? Trying to dig deeper. So hurty!

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Oh Cassie, I SO relate to this. I think it is what I talk about today. The closer we get to the core of rage/hurt/betrayal what have you, the STRONGER we know ourselves, the more our subconscious wants to ‘protect us’ with crappity crap crap! Hang tight sister! I’m right there wid ya! xoxoxoxox

  4. Carol from Detroit

    Hi Laurie,

    I completely understand. I felt like crap yesterday too. I had a doctor check up and my weight is completely out of control. I feel like I keep saying this every time I get on the scale but I’m at my heaviest EVER. It’s so depressing. I had a similar day yesterday. Today is a new day though and it’s a fresh start…. we can do this ladies!

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Oh Carol, I am SO sorry! The doctor can be such a stinking trigger. This year, I got weighed but asked the nurse not to tell. They are used to this request, I was shocked to find out, and she just had me turn my back to the scale. I’m glad, as I know I would not like the number. It is very tough to work through all of these emotions instead of running right back to a diet for me. Very tough. But over all, it has been VERY helpful and worth it. So, as you say, today is a fresh start and who knows what adventures will greet us round the bend, eh? oxoxoxoxox

  5. dawny

    Hugs to you Miss Laurie…

    Sorry to hear the stupid aliens are in town.. *Sigh*.. seemingly ironic, I am relating.. what the heck is going on??! Is it the way the earth sits this time of year or what…

    Coming from the field of working with developmentally challenged people, and living in a marriage with my husband who suffers from mental disorder, there is REALLY truth to Spring, and ‘things’ that go on and change, Im just speaking from experience here.. I REALLY HONESTLY IN ALL MY HEARTS feel like it is something to do with the way the earth moves/spins/sits this time of year, it has to be.. the timing hits the same every year.

    your one of the strongest women I know Laurie, and I know your fighting the good fight and will keep fighting it =-) that’s why we do what we do, STRENGTH..

    Happy on our way thru the week day =-) Wednesday…. and that means…. its a new day, it’s not Tuesday anymore there’s that =-) yesterday is gone.. tomorrow isn’t here yet.. but today.. aaaaah LOVELY today…

    Hoping for some dryer conditions, just because the rain ‘dampens’ my spirits lol I guess if the sun would shine with the rain it’d not be so bad LOL but rarely does that happen.. just saying..

    My evenings have been so ‘tired’ and I know it’s because I wake up so early, but my body wakes up.. I set my alarm for the latest I can to get up and do what i have to do and get to work on time, but inevitably, EVERY day I wake up an hour before that =-) that’s my body telling me I like to work out BEFORE work =-) it is what it is..

    last night, after having so long with such success of the snackity craze not approaching too badly, it was here in full-force, and admittedly the night before i woke with a desire to night eat in a foraging fashion, however I did not succomb to it. I didnt fall victim to myself last night either, but it was there.. Frustrating how it goes away.. or appears to, but rears it’s ugly head again.. *sigh*

    Daily weighing is inspiring me, Im thankful for the Happy Scale App that was suggested, it sure has de-bunked a LOT of the myths ive created in my head re: pre-weigh-in-day rituals.. LOL.. that strength training automatically will effect the scale… that going out to dinner at a restaurant will effect the scale, because those things are not accurate, at least they haven’t proven to be since ive been daily weighing.
    I have had poor experience in my past with daily weigh ins since my weight could/would swing wildly in both up/down directions, im not experiencing that so much this time, granted maybe my intuitive eating side has some effects there? not sure,
    AND Ive experienced the ‘feed-back’ feeling from what I see, it’s not angst, it sure does take the pressure off the weigh in.. LOVE that part.. EVERY day is weigh in day =-)
    Definitely positive information right now.. at any rate..

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hey there Dawny, I used to prefer daily weigh ins for the same reason! (Of course, for me, they turned into several times per day weigh ins, due to my, er, compulsive-obsessive nature). Glad things are going pretty well for you over all. I too rise at 5 AM no matter what! Aggravating when I’ve been up late. But on the plus side, I do see many gorgeous dawns and so get to think of you! xoxoxox

      1. Dawny

        Aaawwweee. Schucks. Thanks.

        I tell my husband when he says he’s not a morning person he wakes up to the crack of Dawn everyday DOH!!! Lol


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