
March 31, 2015

Status 3-31-15*

Wow, yesterday I surprised myself! I got up the mountain, recorded a bonus episode, AND went to singing lessons. I was expecting said singing lesson to suck eggs, as I try usually NOT to mix mountain allergens NOR using my voice in harsh ways prior to singing lessons. However, I wanted to get the bonus episode in yesterday because it fit into my media allowance for March (saving $$$ here).

I have to say there’s been a dip in the Coffee Klatch participation and Amazon shopping, so I need to watch my podcast budget a bit more closely. But that’s all a part of the ups and downs that come with doing this show. I’m STILL amazed I’m still here and the show is growing slowly as new BCs discover me and go through the show from day 1.

It is pretty strange to think of my past self preserved in media files for all time (or for as least as long as I pay the media fees to keep them live). The immediacy of my recording each day means that to new BCs listening to my past, THAT Laurie is alive and kicking or celebrating or whining as that episode dictates.

Sometimes I wonder if past Laurie would recognize future Laurie?

For example, back to singing lesson, I NAILED it! My voice was stronger, more powerful and had a few more notes of range both on the top AND bottom – despite sinus issues from allergies. Wow, I AM getting better. I’m also working to sing with an accompaniment Suz sent me of my song, Whistle Down the Wind. When she first sent it, months ago, I couldn’t sing to it at all. I needed to be tied to my own piano picking in order to hit the notes. Now I only stick at one place, and if I practice a bit, I think I will get it. It is REALLY fun to have this full piano accompaniment to sing with and I so appreciate Suz for helping to fill my life with music!


Well, if you read my funny house disaster experience, then you can guess what’s on TODAY’s agenda. Yep, my exercise today will be doing what I call, “The BIG downstairs cleaning”. This is all that is required to move the furniture, clean the SH*T out of the tile floors, dust, vacuum the dang designer drapes that LOOK nice but can’t be washed like my preferred cheap-ass drapes in the front room, and other tortures that will make me feel 100,000,000 times better once accomplished.

First step, I need to declutter and wash my dining room table. Hmmm, easier to eat mindfully when not staring at piles of bills and bike helmets…

Wish me luck…


How about you?

Please feel free to comment on MY statuses or add YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings, challenges, rants and raves on these pages too. That was one of the original purposes of why I posted on FB. I thought BCs might like to share about THEIR days. So if you have thoughts and feelings you’d like to share with the group, go ahead and put them here with your comments.

*Daily statuses are not part of the blog’s email notification. When you enter your email under where it says SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL, you will be notified of regular blog posts and when podcast episodes are released. I didn’t want to clog your inbox with my daily statuses. However, the automatic publicize feature will inform you on my show FB page, my AdventureLaurie twitter account, google+ on its show page, and Tumblr.

PS If you wish to sign up for email notification of blog postings and shows going live (not these status reports) enter your email where it says: “SUBSCRIBE TO POSTS VIA EMAIL”. This blog subscription widget is located to the right on computers and on some tablets, and below the posts on smart phones and on other types of tablets.

PSS, some BCs have asked me the difference between blog postings and status pages. Blog postings are where I develop a complete topic triggered by my status thoughts. Status thoughts are how my day went, what’s on my agenda, and how my body feels today – and not much editing or thought goes into them. That’s why I don’t clog up your email with them. 🙂

The Bravery Coach

TheBraveryCoach daily tweet is a morning mediation on how I either did, or can incorporate an aspect of bravery into my day. It is cheerful. It is esteem building. Those who want to follow these on Twitter may, by searching for the hashtag #bravery or by seeing my profile:

Daily Bravery Tweets via TheBraveryCoach on Twitter

6 thoughts on “3-31-15

  1. Dawny

    Soooooo fantastic to have positive laurie hangin about today.

    Celebrating with you friend. I was as thrilled as you for a bonus episode =~}.

    I’m not surprised you nailed it!! Your a rocker chick. Lol. After all not just anyone has a bravery tiara. Sheesh

    Sorry your feeling the financial strains ala cod land. Mab it’ll pick up =~}

  2. Dawny

    happy Tuesday.. im feeling successful..
    in my trying to size down my meals to end the over-whelming anxiety and grieving angst that comes with having too much food infront of me and needing to convince myself to stop (either saving/throwing away) and not over-eat past satiation because it’s there and tasty!

    Im getting more amazed at how less I eat and be satisfied, and ive kind of changed up the grieving that I have to stop eating because im full into an excitement of not over-eating now, means the sooner I’ll get hungry and can eat something again LOL..

    next up.. taking the idea out of wanting to hold out and wait to eat something to savor it more, or for longer or something, im not really sure.. the way I want to describe it is inappropriate.. it’s almost like food p*o*r*n.. as in like thinking about it and prolonging eating it makes it last longer, and builds up the desire, and satisfaction from it!?!?!? Im not sure if that’s explaining it right, but my plan is to get over this, eat what I want when im hungry and get over the obsession =-) I can do it..
    im coming along.. there’s hope for me..

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Wow Dawny, you sound like you are really making great progress! Food porn is how I think of it too. But it’s really appreciation. For example, would I love the cookie more in an hour when I can sit down to eat it with a cup of tea? Or pop it in my mouth in the middle of cleaning? (would probably lead to several popped and not tasted actually in that case). It’s all about balance. Provide energy for the body, enjoyment for your senses, and the ability to enjoy social occasions with the focus on people not fear of food. Anything we can do to progress is a good thing. Each of these food situations calls for a different kind of intuition or decision making process. What’s hard for me, is the learning to trust myself. It is easier to go by points or a food plan to tell me what to do. Then I can comply (and feel good) or rebel (and feel a release from my volcano of rage). To just allow myself to eat what I want as long as I know why and I’m making a CHOICE is very, very odd for me, and what I’m working on. Cheers to your progress, my friend! xoxoxoxox

      1. Dawny

        thank you Laurie.. your encouragement means soooo much to me…

        “What’s hard for me, is the learning to trust myself. It is easier to go by points or a food plan to tell me what to do. Then I can comply (and feel good)”

        this my friend.. is what I live with myself.. you said it just as it would come from my mouth.. I still question myself, I still think “should/shouldn’t” and the “good/bad”
        utilizing this daily weighing app (which im not sure I’ll do forever (or much longer for that matter) because my friend suggested we try it) is teaching me that ONE day, ONE meal, ONE snack night, ONE going out to dinner Does NOT necessarily influence the scale reading in a good OR bad way.. YAY for educational feed-back..

        1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

          All tools are great as long as they remain tools and don’t become bosses of our mood. I think moderation in MOST things is a GREAT aim, including what feedback we may get about our progress. To me, it’s all about what my internal self is doing at the moment. I try things out, and if it sets me back on my primary goal of dealing with life sans food abuse (over use or restriction) then I bag it for now. But I’m learning never to say never and I give myself permission to change whenever indications are that a new course would be good for me. So far, leaving measures out of my equation is best for my psyche. When they don’t matter so much, then they may make another appearance in my life. Well done you for bravery exploring what works for you!


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