Just Do What You Want!

Laurie In Sunhat SMILING big time in the park
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I take a walk just fer the dern FUN of it! Seen here RockinOutTo Tom Jones and Jools Holland. Stellar Album! Check it out for putting fun pep in your step.

Why are you WRITING so many gosh derned blog posts lately?

Cause I’ve been inspired by my crazy-ass life to tell stories, and I CAN’T get up the mountain to record due to schedule, voice practice and other reasons. It is MUCH, MUCH easier for me to TELL stories than to write them (partially because there are no weird spell check gremlins in my podcasts – other than my own brain farts. You would be SHOCKED at what my Apple™(oh praise all expensive trendy products amen) iPhone and Mac and iPad write for me at times.


Back to the story…What was I saying?

Oh yeah, brain farts, no er… Walking around parks… Er Apple is the handsome tempting devil….Er DO WHAT YOU WANT! Eureka, now it’s coming back to me….

What are you Talking/Writing about Laurie?

Today Mark and I are going to squeeze ourselves into the big-ass seats from hell…er go see a show at the Pantages Theater..and I woke up knowing what torturous indignity I was about to face. And I DIDN’T CARE! That’s right, an aura of “F*** it” descended from on high. It was early, I had actually gotten 7, count ’em 7 hours of good sleep, the birdies were singing and I decided to go walk around the park!

Why, Laurie? In order to burn off one millimeter of flab off your thighs? To punish yourself for having a big butt? To ‘Get back on’ the proverbial weight loss wagon?


I just felt like it.

What’s that? Exercise for fun? Wah?????

Not really. I wasn’t trying to entertain myself. It was just a beautiful day, I wanted to listen to Tom Jones and Jools Holland’s awesome album (LOVE THIS ONE) and I decided to walk on down to the park as long as I had time before I needed to contain my ass into all known slimming devices – er, get ready for the theater.

There must be MORE to this story than that!

Not really.

As walked around the park, danced around it really. I bet I looked might strange to the dog walkers and dedicated runners and exercisers I passed by. I was boogieing, twisting and swinging my way under the trees with a smile on my face and I DID NOT CARE WHAT I LOOKED LIKE. I even became one of “THOSE” people who sing badly and loudly when no one ELSE can hear what’s in your earbuds.

I really enjoyed my walk. I don’t know how many calories it burned. I didn’t have it in my plans today to walk before we leave for the fat shaming torture box, er theater, but somehow it came together for me…

DO What you WANT

It’s your life. (I’m talking to myself here as well as you).

Eat what you damn well want! Do what you damn well want to do. Stop apologizing for wanting what you want. Stop it. Just stop it. Dance to Tom Jones and Jools Holland when everyone thinks you are a gyrating weirdo…after all, you CAN hear that music.

Earbuds are like your inner voice. Sometimes only YOU can hear your heart and you look like a FOOL to others. So what?

Do what you want. It’s YOUR life.

Orange cat, Tiger in profile on a floral sofa next to a blanketed table

Tiger does what HE wants and pretends he CAN’T hear me call his name as he stares at the birdies from his perch on the newly cat barf-free blanket.

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11 thoughts on “Just Do What You Want!

  1. Dawny

    “DO What you WANT

    It’s your life. (I’m talking to myself here as well as you).

    Eat what you damn well want! Do what you damn well want to do. Stop apologizing for wanting what you want. Stop it. Just stop it. Dance to Tom Jones and Jools Holland when everyone thinks you are a gyrating weirdo…after all, you CAN hear that music.

    Earbuds are like your inner voice. Sometimes only YOU can hear your heart and you look like a FOOL to others. So what?

    Do what you want. It’s YOUR life.”

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this… thanks.. i think I’ll do whatever I want…

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Doesn’t it sound DANGEROUS Dawny? How many times have we actually DONE WHAT WE WANT? Done it without agonizing, feeling guilty, apologizing? It is an amazing feeling to let yourself THINK that you don’t need to explain, apologize, rationalize or any other thing for most of the actions you might take or not take. Some yes, but most NO! Obviously, I should NOT act on my volcano of rage eruptions, but wanting or not wanting to see a movie with someone? Eating an ice cream cone? Sleeping in instead of paying the bills (when the bills can be paid later?). All of these are examples where in the past I did NOT DO WHAT I WANTED. WTF? I am practicing just doing what I want unless it REALLY impacts someone else in a major way. Have fun dear Dawny! xoxoxoxox

      1. Dawny

        honestly Ive been practicing this more and more in my life, since I got the new job, Ive kind of used it as a whole life turn around.. paying more attention to life, and living.. less stress on the as you’ve described things that can ‘wait’ and aren’t worth an ounce of my stress.. Ive also spent more time just doing the simple things instead of making a list of them that need done, interestingly I can usually wipe out a couple in the time it takes to write the list LOL

        1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

          Haha, another list maker goes rogue. There is much to the Nike saying, ‘just do it’. We can release so much stress when we just let ourselves DO something instead of ruminate over it. This will be a key new process for me. To truly allow myself to be in the moment and do in the moment vs. think in the moment.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      LOLOLOL! This is a true story. Cat barf used to ignite my volcano of rage. Dang cats barfing on my clean (fill in the blank). Now I actually stop and pick up said cat, pet them and cuddle them before I clean up their mess (Techno Jack incident excepted) and say “Some day I would pay 1 million dollars to clean up one of your messes again. Today, I will enjoy the chance to love you.” kiss, cat cuddle, cat cuddle, kiss kiss. Then I clean up their mess. It works when I am mad at Mark and other folk in my life too. But I’m not as good at stoping the volcanoe with people as I have become with the cat babies.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Dave, looks interesting! My father-in-law used something similar and loved it too. I have never been a fan of voice recognition software for me – though my hubby LOVES it on his phone etc. When I write, I’m typing and it triggers a different area of my brain. When I’m speaking I’m telling stories which sparks a difference sensibility. Interestingly enough, when I write in our writing group, it is longhand in notebooks and that triggers a different area all together from the other two! I’m fascinated by these differences and since my bike accident have been very aware of how I process information. To quote Mr. Spock, Fascinating!

  2. Cheryl

    I have come to the conclusion that if we wish to live an authentic life we have to be willing to look like a fool at times…

    I love your off-the-cuff posts!


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