Tag Archives: Accepting Ourselves

Ep 0144 – Getting Over Hard Times and My Reaction to Oprah

Laurie looking over the tops of her glasses
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Here I am ready to have a little chat with myself down at the podcast rock.

Podcast Recap

I let go of assuming good things are always hard, share snippets and comments from BCs Dawny, Amy from WI, Josephine and Stéfanie from Quebec. I ponder my take on Oprah Winfrey’s oft-quoted comment about acceptance of herself when over 200 lbs. I read an excerpt from my blog post about the spaced out time warp I experienced in Vegas while attending a live concert by The WHO.

Laurie putting on her mic under the tree over the podcast rock

Getting ready to record day 144


Last show and comments

Dawny’s comment from day 143

BC Josephine’s support of Dawny

BC Josephine’s reply to Stéfanie from Quebec

BC Josephine’s support of Mark’s fun pronunciations

Stéfanie from Quebec’s comments and support for Dawny

Amy from WI’s comment and list of 5 things she’s good at

The New York Times Article where Oprah was quoted

My blog post and YouTube video links for The WHO concert Mark and I saw in Vegas

Our Social Media TAG is #CODBCS

Ways to support the show financially


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1 Used by permission of Josh Woodward under a Creative Commons License

Dun Dun Dun! Sound used in Laurie’s Letting Go segment used under a creative commons license by copyc4t via freesound.org

What? Sound used in Laurie’s Letting Go segment used under a creative commons license by yugi16dm via freesound.org

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