Tag Archives: Trader Joe’s

Ep 0003 – What’s up with weaseling out? And can I escape Trader Joe’s without self-sabotage?

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Trader Joe’s – the scene of my inner struggle. Will I buy binge food or stick to my plan?

Podcast Recap

I overcome an overwhelming compulsion to weasel out of my exercise class and ponder what’s under my weaseling-out instinct. Then I attempt to visit Trader Joe’s while hungry. Will I sabotage myself or stick to my plan? Also, iTunes comes through and my husband surprises me in an emotional way.


Laurie’s Sparkpeople team for listeners of the podcast and for those dealing with compulsive overeating, binge eating, or emotional eating issues who’d like support. – Closed 10/22/14 due to lack of participation

Trader Joe’s


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

Psychology Today‘s blog posts on overcoming self-sabotage
A fine collection of articles about overcoming this destructive behavior. Highly recommended.
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