Ep 0009 – The Diet and Binge Trigger Tightrope. How do we balance?

Laurie eats an apple before walking and podcasting around the park
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I read that a little Granny Smith apple is good for the voice. We’ll find out!

Podcast Recap

I rant and roll about the scary balance between dieting and binge triggers. Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t. Is there any hope? I also thank Merc and Tracy for posting iTunes reviews. Wow, I’m so surprised and encouraged to keep on by that.


Laurie’s Sparkpeople team for listeners of the podcast and for those dealing with compulsive overeating, binge eating, or emotional eating issues who’d like support. – Closed 10/22/14 due to lack of participation

French Women Don’t Get Fat

On Amazon.com (USA)

Leave your comments, questions, feelings and stories on Laurie’s podcast voicemail hotline – 206-350-6445.


Host: Laurie Weaver

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1

I’m Letting Go (Josh Woodward) / CC BY 3.0

Resource of the day

What is Intuitive Eating? a very nice list of the 10 principles of intuitive eating. Check it out, you will probably find something helpful.
Comments box:

10 thoughts on “Ep 0009 – The Diet and Binge Trigger Tightrope. How do we balance?

  1. Diane

    Hi Laurie! I want to tell you how much I love your podcast! So much of what you say speaks volumes to me! I would like to relate my story soon. I am listening to this while I work. I have a job which allows me to listen to music or podcasts or whatever. I am glad that I found this one.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      I’m so glad you can relate to the show. I was so happy and surprised to find out just how many of us there are who DO relate. I used to like to listen to shows and music too, when I was a database developer. Since retiring, I mostly listen on my way up the mountain, the way down to the park, or in the bath on my iPad. I know I’m very lucky and appreciate the chance to do this for fun! Happy Listening!

  2. Suz

    I can listen at work, too. I love to work in a quiet environment, even if I don’t totally love my job. I can listen to audiobooks or podcasts and that makes the day go by so much faster.
    I listened to this podcast last night, and as usual, it brought up many thoughts and feelings.
    I need to listen again.
    But for now I wanted to mention that I also just listened to the Australian podcast “All in the Mind” and the episode about willpower. They mentioned a study I also came across recently in a book by Stephen Pinker called “The History of Violence.” It was to do with how willpower can actually be strengthened, and that it fatigues with use. Having to exercise your willpower causes your brain to burn more glucose. I was thinking, wow, that’s probably why I start out great on a diet morning and even into the afternoon…but at night?? Oh boy.
    Anyway, in the podcast they did talk a bit about dieting and willpower and how it’s particularly difficult.
    It sort of changed my attitude about all that a bit. It really is hard, I’m not just some lazy weakling.
    Sometimes times it’s hard to even sort out what your triggers really are. They don’t always seem to be conscious thoughts. Sometimes maybe your willpower is just depleted, and the drive is so strong and ingrained. I dunno.
    Keep podcasting! I love it.
    You know, I listen to a few podcasts pretty regularly, and I love them, but I feel like more than just an audience member here. I feel like this podcast came to get me. Not in a bad way! I mean I really feel like you’re talking to me. I feel like I’m on those walks with you. I love that you take candid pictures of your day. I draw from your strength and your honesty.
    Thank you!
    Ooh! And also, I have started reading a book about intuitive eating.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Suz, I removed the duplicate comment as this one was newer and had the Intuitive Eating comment. I’m so glad you feel that you are there with me as that was the idea I had when I began. I missed my good friend, Marie, who moved back east. We used to walk around the Pasadena Rose Bowl and have deep thoughts, even though she is not coping with eating issues. I thought I’d be “my own friend”, by recording and then listening. Walking always made it easier to think for me. I also listen to podcasts when I walk and hike alone, and thought maybe I could be a companion to others who were also walking. So my premise is that we ARE two friends out on a walk and we’re discussing how we feel. I don’t want to give away too much my story,since you are still working through the days, but I have embraced intuitive eating as a way to work through my eating issues. It isn’t easy, but for me, it is helping. The downside is that it isn’t about weight loss for me at all. No guarentee there. You will learn more about how this all comes about as you hear all I thought and went through on my journey this far. But there is always hope and you can always change your mind if things aren’t feeling right. I’ve done so many programs. I’ve been so many weights. For me, my eating disorder was always there, no matter my size. It’s only now through interacting as my honest self (as honest as I can be since I don’t REALLY know all of you), working with a therapist on the feelings that come up from not bingeing, and embracing Intuitive Eating as a way to combat my compulsion, have a made a dent in freeing up my mind. Again, not for everyone, and I would not have felt the way I do now last year. All of our lives are a progression in learning ourselves and how we relate to the world. You are very well spoken, write beautifully and I can tell,from your comments, think and feel things deeply. Take heart, Brave Companion Suz, that however you feel, we care.

      PS, I really enjoyed the poem. My grandma was a poet, and this was a wonderful sentiment to remember.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Amelia, thanks so much for sending me encouragement, I really appreciate it. I’ve learned so much doing the show and talking out my feelings and meeting so many wonderful people who are also dealing with many of the same issues I face. Each act of encouragement so helps me. Thanks again for taking the time and sending the positive vibes my way. xoxoxox

  3. Theresa

    Hi Laurie! I alternated between laughter & relief listening to this episode! Laughter because I’m cooking chicken alfredo (talk about NOT diet food!!), while attempting to ride out the compulsion to eat “all the things” since I’ve been reasonably moderate with my food intake today and I’m hungry while cooking dinner. Relief to hear the kindness, compassion, and love in someone else’s voice that I’ve been lacking in my self-talk. I’m slowly making my way through the episodes & I can tell you already, that I appreciate your candid nature, your kindness, and your obvious lust for life that is so encouraging. Much love; I feel like we’re friends already. ❤️

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Theresa! I’m so happy you stopped by and that you enjoyed Day 9. That was one of my favorite shows too. BTW, I love to cook and find that cooking is one of the ways I do balance. By spending the time to prepare foods that are fresh and that I love, I tend not to eat mindlessly and that helps me to realize that I HAVE been eating and to enjoy the flavors. It can still be a struggle at times for me to know when I’ve eaten enough to be satisfied vs. overfull, but I’m pretty savvy now with experience about how much my body wants vs. my compulsive brain. Great to “meet you” and I hope you’ll share more of your experiences (and recipes!). xoxoxoxoxox

  4. Jody

    Hello, I was feeling desperate, took a mental health day off work, was going To take a drive and listen to a podcast about what I could relate to, regarding compulsive eating, so I searched the subject and yours was first on the list. A personal diary, a journal of a woman sounded like just the thing. I really liked the scene, you were just out walking, I was driving. Already I could relate. Many things you said rang a bell in my life. I am only in the first few from 2014, and I can’t wait to get caught up to date! One of them broke my heart, when you didn’t get any comments and it made you fall off the wagon. I just want you to know, that I care…and I couldn’t wait to get home so I could comment. Your voice is soothing and I feel like I’m talking with an old friend. I accidentally tapped on one from 2019, and I noticed that you sounded different. Like you developed into another version of yourself, I’m sure it’s a positive and polished one. So I have many hours of happy supportive listening to do. I hope you get my message and it makes you feel happy and supported. Thank you for sharing your experiences, I feel that when I face my issues full on, I feel empowered to keep doing better, it’s just my pesky fails that keep getting in the way of my progress. I been at it a while as well. I was the fat kid, yo-yo diet adult, and 57 yr old who has given in to the idea of the life long commitment of nurturing my condition to wellness instead of looking for a fast cure, that doesn’t exist.

    1. Laurie@CompulsiveOvereatingDiary Post author

      Hi Jody, wow do I feel super happy and supported by your kind comment! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and story with me. As you go through the shows, you will discover we call one another brave companions, or BCs for short, as it takes true guts to face and sort through some of the emotional tangles involved with food/body issues. So you are on our virtual bravery report for sharing! We also have a literal bravery report if you would like to post there and download a PDF to commemorate your courage. Part of my journey over the years, has been to become a trained voice actor (probably why I sound more polished) though it’s ironic that much of my training is trying to get back my natural sound lol! I’m very glad you are enjoying the show, and I will greet you as a new BC on day 174. Feel free to jump ahead and listen to that one, it won’t ruin the journey for you. I’m 60 now, and happier than I’ve ever been. I’m not slender, but nowhere near my heaviest, and the weight roller coaster is much smoother for me. I hope to hear more from you as you progress through the shows and hear the stories and comments of past and present BCs. A supportive group. Feel free to comment or share no matter how far back in time, as there are always new people finding the show and every story makes us richer in knowlege and companionship. Thanks again soooooo very much for reaching out. I so appreciate it. Xoxo


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