Ep 0161 – Discover Your Method

Laurie in a straw hat looks upwards with blue sky in the background.
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I’m excited to look ahead as I’m finally back on the mountain.

Podcast Recap

Zen flows on the mountain as I discover my own method and I wonder, what’s yours? I’m grateful to BCs who’ve been supporting me and the show, like longtime listener Pat and the Amazon shoppers. A new iTunes review from the UK. New BC Danielle from Brisbane gives me some comments to ponder about why it’s so difficult to just say ‘Thank You.’ New BCs Carol and Shona reach out via PM. Dawny comments after last show.
Beautiful blue skies over the sandy hiking path through green brush up to the mountain.

The path up the mountain for day 161.

New BCs From Last Week

  • Elizabeth who called the Bravery Hotline after Day 23
  • Svetlana who posted on FB and then sent her story for Laurie to read

New BCs From This Week


The Last Show and comments

Interview with Jonathan Lehmann, the meditation teacher I love!

Insight Timer – the app where I listen to Jonathan’s morning mediation with music

How to Send Audio

Laurie’s Instagram at LaurieDreamWeaver

Ways to support the show financially


Host: Laurie Weaver
After Thoughts Announcer: Mark Weaver
After Thoughts Commentator: Laurie

Other Sounds

  • Crowd Cheering
  • Applause

Main Theme:
Circle by Hartley used with permission by agreement with SHUTTERSTOCK MUSIC CANADA ULC

Other Sounds and Music used with permission from AudioBlocks and IBAudio including:

Today’s Custom Background Music

BC Danielle from Australia’s comments – Seagull Skyride
Under my reply to Danielle – Simple Lesson of Life

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Ep 0160 – Fearless

Laurie in a straw hat gestures on a sunny day in front of a set of colorful wind chimes hanging from a gnarled branch in front of a brick wall.
Scroll to the "Comments box" or call 206-350-6445 to tell us what you think.
On podcast pages click the arrow to play the episode.
Ta Da! I feel fearless in the lull of the Devil Winds in front of our collection of momentarily silent wind-chimes in our front yard. They are held by a once vibrant plum tree that died. But that former tree has a new purpose as a hanger while a young plum tree grows alongside. Hmmm, a lesson in there somewhere!

Podcast Recap

What’s the difference between being brave and being fearless? New BC Elizabeth fearlessly calls the Bravery Hotline. New BC Svetlana shares one of the bravest stories ever. Supportive comments from Dawny, Jo from the UK and Kelly G. Thanks to all who participated in the new version of Fionna’s Brave Companion Song, to those who’ve left great ratings on iTunes, and to those who shared thoughts via Instagram. What are your three words that represent your strength? Laurie reads her Dream Diet blog post. How to subscribe and unsubscribe from email notification.

Lime green grasses under forest of different shades and textures of green.

The spring greens are beautiful down at the podcast rock at my local park.

A pair of pink bunny planters filled with pink flowers

Gardner Mark gets ready for Easter!

New BCs

  • Elizabeth who called the Bravery Hotline after Day 23
  • Svetlana who posted on FB and then sent her story for Laurie to read


The Last Show and comments (Laurie’s Birthday Show)

Laurie’s Dream Diet Blog Post

How to Send Audio

Laurie’s Instagram at LaurieDreamWeaver

Ways to support the show financially


Host: Laurie Weaver
After Thoughts Announcer: Mark Weaver
After Thoughts Commentator: Laurie
After Thoughts Commentator/Bravery Hotline: BC Elizabeth
Blog Reader: Laurie

Other Sounds

  • Crowd Cheering
  • Applause

Main Theme:
Circle by Hartley used with permission by agreement with SHUTTERSTOCK MUSIC CANADA ULC

Music used in Svetlana’s story: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1 Used by permission of Josh Woodward under a Creative Commons License

Other Sounds and Music used with permission from AudioBlocks and IBAudio including:

Today’s Custom Background Music

BC Elizabeth’s call – Chasing Sunlight
Dream Diet Music – Relax A While

Comments box:

My New Dream Diet

Close up of breakfast in front of floor to ceiling windows showing the Vegas Strip during the day
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On podcast pages click the arrow to play the episode.

This was a tasty, mindful experience. My room service avocado toasts with a side of Strip View in Las Vegas where we celebrated Mark’s birthday last summer.

Pondering on Hunger, Food and Self-Esteem

I’m always waiting to eat. Eating is my clock, my love, my accomplishment, my purpose. Tick, tick, tick. It’s been five minutes since breakfast. Tock, tock, tock, how many more minutes before I can safely say the growling in my stomach is real and not hope. Hope? Hope to be hungry? Isn’t hunger the enemy? Nope.

Hunger is the signal for the big game.

Hunger means I can eye my plate for those few seconds of passionate anticipation before my fork gets busy.

Then come all of the joys of taste, texture, and the warm filling of my body. The inner hug which is food for me.

Yep, food and I go way back. It’s a complicated relationship…on my end.

Food mostly sits there.

Food cannot physically call my name, nor hug, nor accompany me – at least not until it’s been added to the storage silos on my hips, thighs, tummy, or chin.

Food gains its wonder and personality from my end. Talk about projection! It goes from lover to monster depending on my mood.

Love and Dread

When I cook and prepare food I know I will love to eat, it is almost as good as eating.

My mind gets busy with imagination. Smells fill the kitchen, along with the sound of fresh snapping produce, the whoosh of my knife, the tinkling joy of whisks tickling mixing bowls like a bell choir.

Spice, herbs, dice. All of these my playground and my palette.

I love to cook. I dread eating.

Or I used to dread eating.

Eating for me was guilty behavior. Even so called “healthy” foods, might call me too much. Fats bad. Carbs bad. Animal products bad. Sweets bad. And who knew what the next study or fad might be that would hold up the accusing mirror of my food weakness?

It was obvious from the extra fat on my body that I did not deserve to eat. I did not deserve to relax around food. I deserved to have a tight rein on my behavior.

I needed the safety of my calorie chains. Weigh, measure, document. I needed to exercise more than enough to be able to eat. But even then, food was not a joy.

Joyous food was forbidden. Like coveting your neighbor’s spouse, to love food was to sin in your mind. Fat people need to keep their mouths shut.

I think I also took that literally. To not only keep my mouth shut against pleasures of the flesh, eating-wise, but to keep my fat-crazed opinions to myself.

Weird thing is my “fat” mind persisted through weight loss, muscle building, and endurance exercise feats. No matter my actual size or fitness level, secretly, my inner DNA believed me to be a fat person and I was deeply ashamed to be fat.

Talking Helps

Through my podcast, Compulsive Overeating Diary, I have uncovered many of these issues by talking about my truth – no matter how unworthy or uncomfortable I felt. Tell your truth enough and you will start to understand yourself – even maybe to accept yourself.

One of the most surprising things I discovered was that I needed to give up dieting to relearn how my body operated. So I began to practice intuitive eating and I am very grateful for it. I finally did discover what my physical hunger signals were as well as that mysterious unicorn, satiety. I legalized foods until I didn’t hear my self-made siren calls to them as often.

My weight stabilized without dieting for the first time in – well, ever.

Emotionally, I began to feel those scary, horrible feelings that chips and ice-cream safely hid. I went to therapy, journaled, talked about those feelings on the podcast, let them out in weeping and screams. Cried me a river of regret and loss and loneliness. Screamed into my pillow the pain of being me, the hidden me, the young, frail, small girl who couldn’t understand why she was no longer loved just because she weighed more than before. The teenager who would do anything to fit in. The bad choices she made, the opportunities lost, the fear and self-hate.

All of these tumbled out over and over. My god, I’m almost 60! How much life is there left to change my ways? Have I wasted my entire life in fear and shame? Is that shame so ingrained that my progress with food might last, but my self-loathing remain?

Will I die unsatisfied that my life meant no more than longing after forbidden treats and approval?

Not what I want.

I want to feel inside the love I receive. I want to feel worthy for my attempts. I want to accept the many times I did my best. I want be proud of who I am. I want to decouple food from that shame.

Intuitive eating is a stepping stone.

And my next step, is to learn to feel worthy and loved. For that to happen, I need to truly and actively love myself. So to meet that goal, I created my new “dream diet”.

Laurie in her colorful jacket with Mark in his blue Hawaiian shirt both smile in an open air restaurant.

Another piece of our dreams. Mark and I visit a wonderful farm to table restaurant in Long Beach. Wonderful weather, wonderful ambience, wonderful fresh food that begs to be relished, not wolfed down.

My New Dream Diet

I know, we tend to think of dieting as a way of restriction – calories, food groups, types of foods.

But if you look up the meanings of the word diet, they also include:

Diet: something provided or experienced repeatedly

For example, I might say, a steady “diet” of Survivor reruns influenced my productivity.

So the backbone of my new “dream diet” is eating very, very well.

Eating well for me includes:

  • Cooking dishes I love to eat.
  • Enjoying foods on social occasions without fear.
  • Cooking and eating the freshest ingredients I can
  • Taking time to enjoy my food
  • Taking time to enjoy company
  • Taking time to appreciate the bounty of choice I have
  • Taking time to listen to my body
  • Taking time to deal with emotions regularly so food can freely be food vs. my picture of it.
  • Tracking when I need information, without fear of relapse
  • Adjusting for time and chance without panic
  • Feeling good about my choices despite how others might choose to eat.
  • Feeling confident that my food is based on love, not fear.

So my new diet definition example might well be:

A steady diet of self care and compassion influenced Laurie’s attitude and created more opportunities to be loving toward herself and others.

How would you describe your dream diet?

Bon Appétit!


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Ep 0159 – The Birthday Show

Laurie blows out a candle on a huge chocolate chip cookie à la mode.
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On podcast pages click the arrow to play the episode.
I enjoy my birthday cookie, red wine, time with my good friend and my love. What could make a better birthday celebration?

Podcast Recap

My 59th birthday blast is filled with love and friends who care. After meditating during an early morning birthday hike up the mountain to the next to upper Zen spot, I share three words that best show my strengths and ask for yours. Birthday greetings and songs from Mark, Josephine, Mary S. and Jo from the U.K. Birthday comments from BC North. All the freebies I enjoyed on my birthday and how disappointments turned to blessings. A wonderful surprising medley of Happy Birthdays by different characters thanks to my voice acting friends. A new birthday version of Fionna’s Brave Companion Song.

Laurie smiles with her hiking hat flipped brim up with rolling foothills in the background.

I totally love my birthday ponder at the next to upper Zen spot!

Laurie blows into a pottery pig whistle while Mark sings

Mark rocks singing Happy Birthday while I happily blow my pig whistle in an attempt to accompany him.


The Last Show and comments

Fionna’s Original Brave Companion Song

Ways to support the show financially


Host: Laurie Weaver
Birthday Singer: BC Josephine
Birthday Singer: Mark Weaver
Birthday Greetings: Mary S.
Birthday Greetings: Jo from the U.K.
Birthday Greetings – Voice Acting Crew: Joanne, Kyle, Michele H., Michelle B., Denny, Forrest, Lorna, Juliette and Bethanie. Special thanks to Tim.

The Brave Companions’ Song: Written and Sung by Fionna Lane
The Brave Companions’ Song participants: Ginny Hayes, Dawny, Jo from the U.K., BC Dave, Mary S., Josephine, Sue from the U.K., Kelly G. Mark, and Laurie

Other Sounds

  • Crowd Cheering
  • Applause

Songs used in the Voice Actor Medley via Creative Commons

Circle by Hartley used with permission by agreement with SHUTTERSTOCK MUSIC CANADA ULC

Comments box:

Ep 0158 – Good-bye Dream, Hello Determination!

Laurie wearing light sun glasses and smiling mightily while sitting on a wooden bench under an oak tree.
Scroll to the "Comments box" or call 206-350-6445 to tell us what you think.
On podcast pages click the arrow to play the episode.
You can see it in my eyes just how happy I am to be recording once again from the Upper Zen spot on the mountain.

Podcast Recap

How do we cope when a cherished dream doesn’t happen? Mark and I ponder how to make a positive future despite disappointment. BC Jo from the U.K. responds to our last show with her lovely voice in After Thoughts. Voice Actress, Lorna Duyn shares her talent by voicing a fearless quote by Veronica Roth. BC Dave updates us via comment and shares a great quote from the book he’s reading by Brené Brown. Dawny also tells us how her life is going via comment. BC Mary S. lands on the BC Bravery Sports Report for not letting an injury derail her from a fitness class she loves.

Font of the Pasadena Rose Bowl - features a rose about its name. Rolling foothills behind.

A view of the Pasadena Rose Bowl from the parking lot where I start my bike rides.

Laurie in bike gear in front of the Rose Bowl stadium on a sunny day with blue skies and puffy clouds

All smiles after my test bike ride from the World Famous Pasadena Rose Bowl to Descanso Gardens and back.


The Last Show and comments – including the link to the book by Brené Brown BC Dave is reading

How to Send Audio – Including Instructions for Recording for the Bravery Song and for Quotes

Inspirational Quotes page

Fionna’s Brave Companion Song

Ways to support the show financially


Host: Laurie Weaver
After Thoughts Announcer: Mark Weaver
After Thoughts Commentators: Laurie and Mark Weaver
After Thoughts Commentator: Jo from the U.K.
Quote by Veronica Roth Voiced by: Lorna Duyn
BC Bravery Sports Report Announcer: Mark Weaver
BC Bravery Sports Reporter: Mary S.

Sounds Used in BC Bravery Sports Report

    Sports music


    Sports crowd

Other Sounds

  • Crowd Cheering
  • Applause

Main Theme: I’m Letting Go by Josh Woodward from The Simple Life Part 1 Used by permission of Josh Woodward under a Creative Commons License

Circle by Hartley used with permission by agreement with SHUTTERSTOCK MUSIC CANADA ULC

Other Sounds and Music used with permission from AudioBlocks and IBAudio including:

Today’s Custom Background Music

Laurie and Mark’s After Thoughts – Regrets
Jo from the U.K’s After Thoughts – Charming Knight
Lorna’s Quote – Simply Invincible
Mary S.’ BC Bravery Sports Report – Happy Days

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